java -jar payara-micro.jar _--option1_ _--option2_ ...
Deploying Applications From the Command Line
Payara Micro supports deploying applications directly from the command line.
Deploying an Application
As noted in the section Starting an Instance, all Payara Micro actions are run for the Payara Micro JAR, all in one command; it is not possible to start an instance with one command, and deploy an application to it with another.
The general structure of starting, configuring, and deploying an application to an instance is as follows:
Deploying an Application Package
To deploy a WAR file to an instance, you need to use the --deploy
option, followed
by the path to the application to deploy. See below for an example of starting a
Payara Micro instance and deploying a WAR file:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war
Deploying an Exploded War
An exploded war can be deployed to a Payara Micro instance just be specifying
the path to the exploded war root directory on the --deploy
command line or
via the API. The exploded war can be redeployed by creating a file .reload
in the root directory of the exploded war and updating its timestamp for example
using touch .reload
in a LINUX machine.
Deploying Multiple Applications
If you want to deploy multiple applications to an instance with the --deploy
option, you must use it once for each application to be deployed; it does not
accept multiple paths.
For example, to deploy 2 applications:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war --deploy /home/user/test.war
Alternatively, you can use the --deploymentDir
option. This option specifies
a directory to scan for deployable archives, allowing you to store all of the
applications you wish to be deployed in a directory, and have them be deployed
automatically upon instance startup.
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploymentDir /home/user/deployments
Deploying Applications from a Maven repository
You can deploy an application directly from a Maven repository using the
option. This option accepts a comma separated string denoting
a Maven artefact’s groupId, artifactId, and version attributes.
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deployFromGAV "fish.payara.examples,test,1.0-SNAPSHOT"
This option can be used multiple times, and in conjunction with the standard
By default, Payara Micro will only search for artefacts in the Maven Central
repository. If you wish to search additional repositories, you can add them to
the list of repositories to search with the --additionalRepository
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deployFromGAV "fish.payara.examples,test,1.0-SNAPSHOT" --additionalRepository
To search through multiple additional repositories, you can simply specify the option multiple times:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deployFromGAV "fish.payara.examples,test,1.0-SNAPSHOT" --additionalRepository --additionalRepository