Event<String> event;
Firing and Listening for remote CDI Events
Since Payara Server (Full Edition) & Payara Micro 4.1.153
Payara Server is able to listen to and fire CDI events across the Hazelcast cluster. The CDI events can be fired and listened to by applications on Payara Server instances as well as Payara Micro instances provided that they are connected to the same cluster.
This feature is not yet available in Payara Server Web Profile. |
Hazelcast must be enabled for all Payara Server instances and they must be able to connect to the same Hazelcast cluster. See the Hazelcast section for more details.
Initializing the event bus
The event bus is initialized automatically after an application is started. No additional configuration is necessary to fire and listen to remote events.
Firing remote CDI events
In order to fire a CDI event remotely, mark it with the @Outbound
The above will create an event with a String payload, which will be observable on remote instances in the cluster.
An outbound event can be fired as any other CDI event:
event.fire("This is an event");
The payload passed as an argument to the fire()
method has to
implement the Serializable
An outbound event will be fired asynchronously on a remote instance. If loopback is allowed, it will be fired also on the same instance, but in a different thread. Therefore the call doesn’t block the current thread.
It is not possible to use additional qualifiers to match
event with observers. Any additional qualifier other than @Outbound
will mean that the event will be ignored.
Observing remote CDI events
Outbound events are observed by every CDI bean with a listener method
that is marked with the @Inbound
public void receiveEvent(@Observes @Inbound String message) {
The observers may reside in any application running on one or more instances in a Hazelcast cluster, and they will listen to events fired in an application running on any instance within the same cluster. By default, events will be fired on all remote cluster instances (all instances except the one in which the event was fired).
An event will be matched with observers by the payload class, using the same rules as usual CDI events. Observers will receive events that are assignable to the observed class.
Additional qualifiers are not supported. The event will
always be fired with no qualifiers other than @Inbound . Further
filtering of events is possible using an event name.
Additional options
Event name
It is possible to tag a remote event with a name. In that case, only observers that listen to events of the same name will receive such events. This is an alternative to using qualifiers, which are not supported.
To fire an event with a name:
@Outbound(eventName = "MyEvent")
Event<String> event;
To receive the above named event:
public void receiveEvent(@Observes @Inbound("MyEvent") String message) {
Instance name
By default, all remote instances in the same cluster will receive an outbound event, which matches the observed class and event name. If you want to target specific instances in the cluster, it is possible to define one or more target instances for an outbound event:
@Outbound(instanceName = "Instance-1")
Event<String> event;
Several instance names can be configured with an array:
@Outbound(instanceName = {"Instance-1", "Instance-2"})
Event<String> event;
If you are using Payara Server, the name of the DAS instance is server
by default. In the case of a separate standalone instance, use the
instance’s name in the configuration. If you are using Payara Micro, the
instance’s name is configured using the --name
option, or is generated
by if not configured (see the section Payara Micro Instance
When an outbound event is fired, by default, it is treated as a remote message and will be delivered only to remote instances in the cluster. It will not be delivered to listeners on the same server instance.
If an event should be delivered to observers in the local instance as
well, it can be done by setting the loopBack
attribute to true:
@Outbound(loopBack = true)
Event<String> event;
Dynamic configuration
If required, events can also be configured programmatically, not only
using the static @Outbound
annotation next to the injection point.
Although there is not special API to support it, CDI already supports
programmatic configuration of events.
The following is an example of how to configure and fire an outbound event programmatically without using any injection points:
CDI.current().getBeanManager().fireEvent("This is an event", new Outbound() {
public String eventName() {
return System.getProperty("eventname");
public boolean loopBack() {
return Boolean.getBoolean(System.getProperty("loopback"));
public String instanceName() {
return System.getProperty("instanceName");
public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return this.getClass();
The above code creates a dynamic instance of the
annotation and fires the event "This is an event"
using a bean manager retrieve via a static CDI.current
()` method.