java -jar payara-micro.jar --addJars third-party.jar
Adding Third-Party JARs to a Micro Instance
Since Payara Micro
There are multiple scenarios when it’s needed to add a third-party library to the class path of a Payara Micro instance:
Deploying applications that use JDBC resources, which have a need to access the respective JDBC driver JAR.
Shared libraries used by multiple applications deployed on the same instance.
Avoiding the creation of fat application WARs with lots of bundled libraries to simplify a build-integration pipeline.
Such scenarios are easily solved on Payara Server by adding these JAR files at the domain or modules of the application server library directories. On Payara Micro, this can be done on multiple ways.
From the command line
In order to add a third-party jar to a new Payara Micro instance, use the --addJars
argument when starting the instance like this:
You can specify a directory instead of a simple JAR to add all of the JARs that are located in that directory:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --addJars /home/payara-libs/
Finally, in order to add third-party libraries from multiple sources, specify
each source (either a file or directory path) separating them using the colon
character (:
). Here’s a simple example to add 3 sources for libraries:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --addJars third-party.jar:/opt/application/jars:~/v/mysql-jdbc-driver.jar
You may notice that this syntax is similar to the syntax used to specify
the classpath using the -cp argument when running the JVM.
If you don’t like using the previous syntax and prefer a simpler option, you can
repeat the --addJars
argument as many times as you want per each JAR source, like
in the following example:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --addJars third-party.jar --addJars /opt/application/jars --addJars ~/v/mysql-jdbc-driver.jar
Programmatically using the API
In order to add third-party libraries to a new Payara Micro instance programmatically,
use the PayaraMicro.addLibrary
method to properly add either JAR files or a directory
of JAR files. You can call the method multiple times to each multiple sources.
For example, to add both a JAR file and a new directory of JAR files to a new instance use the following code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException {
PayaraMicro instance = PayaraMicro.getInstance();
instance.addLibrary(new File("~/my-library"));
instance.addLibrary(new File("~/my-libs/"));
Unlike other configuration methods of the PayaraMicro class, the
addLibrary method DOES NOT RETURN a reference to the PayaraMicro object,
which means that this method cannot be used for method-chaining style configuration.
This is an issue which will be solved on a future release.
Packaging Libraries in an Uber JAR
When creating an Uber JAR using the --outputUberJar
argument from the commmand
line, all specified third-party libraries will be packaged on the resulting JAR.
All added JARS will be located on the MICRO-INF/lib directory.
Here is an example to package 2 JDBC drivers (for MySQL and PostgreSQL) into an
Uber JAR called my-micro.jar
java -jar payara-micro- --addJars postgresql-9.4.1208.jre7.jar:mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin.jar --outputUberJar my-micro.jar
We can inspect this Uber JAR to verify that the third-party JAR files were packaged successfully:
> jar -tf my-micro.jar | grep "MICRO-INF/lib"