<notification-service-configuration enabled="true">
<log-notifier-configuration enabled="true" />
Notification Service
Since Payara Server
Payara Server comes with a general Notification service in order to log events which come from other services, such as the JMX Monitoring Service, the HealthCheck service or the Request Tracing service.
The Notification service provides the ability to disseminate
notification events through various channels that are being created by
other services. This service is provided with a number of configurable
notifiers, the default being a log notification mechanism which can be
seen in the following domain.xml
The main configuration tag notification-service-configuration
has only
one attribute: enabled
, which can be set to either true
. This provides the ability to globally enable or disable all
configured notifiers.
The <log-notifier-configuration>
tag registers a log notifier to the
pub-sub model of the notification service where it subscribes to each
log notification event that would get published by another service.
The Notification service can be configured through the admin console: