Viewing Hazelcast clusters

This section details how to visualize the members of a Hazelcast clusters on Payara Server.

Viewing Cluster Members from the Admin Console

To view cluster members from the admin console:

Viewing from an instance

  1. Select an instance within the cluster you wish to view from the page tree:

    Page Tree
  2. Open the Hazelcast tab and select the Cluster Members sub-tab to view the cluster members page:

    Cluster Members

Viewing from the DAS

  1. If Hazelcast is enabled on the DAS (server-config), select "Domain" from the page tree:

    Page Tree
  2. Open the "Hazelcast" tab and select the "Cluster Members" sub-tab to view the cluster members page:

    Domain Cluster Members

Viewing Cluster Members via asadmin

To view the current cluster members from the command line, run one of the following asadmin commands:

asadmin> list-hazelcast-members
{ server-/ }

asadmin> list-hazelcast-cluster-members
Instance Name  Instance Group  Instance Type  Host Name  HTTP Ports  HTTPS Ports  Admin Port  Hazelcast Port  Lite Member  Deployed Applications
server         server-config   DAS    8080        8181         4848        5900            false        __admingui

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